The scheme to regularise undocumented migrants in Ireland is now open to International Protection applicants. Applications can be submitted from the 7th of February to the 7th of August 2022.
Who qualifies for the scheme as an International Protection Applicant
- Persons who have been resident in the State for a minimum of two years prior to the 7th of February 2022 as International Protection Applicants. On this basis, only persons who have applied for International Protection prior to the 7th of February 2020 are eligible to apply
- Applicants must have applied for International Protection to the International Protection Office, and they must not have been issued with a final decision from the Ministerial Decisions Unit on their application.
- Applications can only be submitted by individuals who qualify themselves and cannot include joint applicants, dependants or family members who do not qualify to submit their own applications.
What immigration permission is issued to successful applicants
Successful applicants will be issued with a Stamp 4 permission to remain for two years. The permission will be renewed upon expiry subject to compliance with the terms of the original permission granted. After 5 years of residence in the State, successful applicants are eligible to apply for Irish citizenship subject to all of the usual criteria.
Is a person’s International Protection application automatically withdrawn if they apply for the scheme and/or receive a positive decision
No, the application for International Protection remains valid unless it is withdrawn. Therefore, a person who has been granted status to reside in Ireland under the undocumented migrant scheme can continue with their application for International Protection if they so wish. This is of importance to persons who may wish to apply for family reunification under the International Protection Act 2015 in the future. Successful applicants under the undocumented migrant scheme cannot avail of family reunification under the International Protection Act and are therefore subject to the criteria set out in the Policy Document on Non-EEA Family Reunification which applies strict criteria, particularly in relation to financial requirements.
How can applications be submitted
Applications must be submitted by email to [email protected] on a fully completed IPRSU1 application form which is available here. Applications cannot be submitted by hand or by post.
Unsuccessful applicants can appeal the refusal decision within thirty working days of the refusal letter.
There is no application fee for international protection applicants.
Learn More about Regularising Undocumented Immigrants and Other Ireland Immigration Matters
Sinnott Solicitors, based in Dublin and Cork, have lead the way by bringing about changes to Irish immigration law and practices introduced by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration
Connect with Carol to discuss possible immigration pathways to Ireland.