— a community for expatriates, for digital nomads, for seekers: individuals seeking greener pastures, willing to transcend borders. This might be a summary of the eco-system is trying to create. Greener pastures, however, need fostering, they need care and attention; thus, we see our mission also as enablers of sustainable growth and dreamers of a better society.
In order to actually contribute to better living conditions and more sustainable living and business models, the development of the company and our values have been guided by the Sustainable Development Goals declared by the United Nations from the very beginning.

The values resulting from these Sustainable Development Goals must be reflected in all our lives, actions and activities. We, the team are ourselves expatriates — we are nomads — and therefore come from a position of understanding the problems and challenges of this group. Hence our vision to solve at least some of the challenges for our comrades and provide a soft landing.
Providing a soft landing — the proverbial mission statement of, what we strive to do for our ecosystems. This is where the Sustainable Development Goals and the values they uphold are our guide. Invoking a goal to bring our own mission into alignment with the UN goals.
By bringing expats, digital nomads, and local communities together, we aim to actively establish new opportunities in developing economies, fostering their economic growth — transcending borders and connecting ecosystems.
We firmly believe that infrastructure cannot be limited to nation states. Through innovative technologies and connecting innovative minds, we seek to increase global innovation capacity. Expatriates and digital nomads are groups with high innovative power — if we bring them into new ecosystems, they should also benefit as a result.
Our work makes it easier for people to achieve mobility in an international environment, we help cross borders — both physical borders and those in people's minds. Simultaneously, nomadism and expats enable an economic advantage for structurally weaker regions.
New communities are emerging while existing communities are changing as a result of internationalization, mobility and migration. This is an approach that has been significant to us from the very first moment — a global community that brings together expats, nomads, and individuals in classic life models, facilitates lively exchange and enables the city and environment of the future.
Get Started. Get Going. Transcend Borders.