We are closely monitoring the tragic events in Ukraine and the refugee crisis unfolding as a result of the military conflict. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine during these dark times.
If you or your loved ones are fleeing the war zone in Ukraine and require legal advice on UK immigration, visas, and asylum, please, contact Ukraine Advice Project UK, a group of volunteer immigration practitioners providing a free service to those in need. Read the information here.
Russians and Belarusians Fleeing as a Result of War
It is necessary to note, we have also received a large volume of enquiries from citizens of Russia and Belarus affected by the war in Ukraine. There have been unverified reports that Russians and Belarusians looking to enter or remain in the UK might be banned from applying because of the immigration sanctions imposed by the UK and EU states.
According to our sources, at present the UK government does not plan to terminate applications for Russian and Belarusian nationals, which is a welcome reassurance for many of our existing and prospective clients from Russia and Belarus. We will continue to keep you posted on developments – watch this space!
Be Informed About UK Immigration Matters
Connect with Evgenia to discuss immigration pathways into the UK and general questions about life in the UK as an immigrant.

Access More Article About Visas for Ukrainians on our Ukraine destination page.