Do you have the option to work remotely in Italy for a UK company? Can you work remotely in Italy for a US company? Sounds exciting, especially if you can keep your salary, but at the time of this article, the Remote Work Visa for Italy is not available. While a decree has been issued, the Italian authorities have not implemented the visa and you cannot obtain a digital nomad or remote work visa at this time.
So what are the alternatives? In this article I provide some key insights and potential immigration solutions that apply for those seeking to live and work remotely in Italy.
Remote Work Visa Solutions for Italy
One of the first important considerations is your employment situation. Are you a full-time or part-time employee? Are you a freelancer or independent contractor?
If you are a full-time employee looking to work remotely in Italy you will need to consider the EU Blue Card (Carta Blu EU).
If you are a freelancer, independent contractor or part-time employee, you will need to consider the Representative Office Visa (ROV).
If structured properly, both of these visa pathways for Italy will permit you to live and work in Italy.
What is Required to Work Remotely in Italy?
The visa solution for living and working remotely in Italy will depend on your employment status. Let's simplify the possible situations:
1. Working remotely in Italy as a full-time employee.
There are several core requirements that must be considered:
- College Degree. If you are employed full-time for a foreign company (i.e. a company outside of Italy), anyone with a qualified academic degree can apply. This degree needs to be translated and presented along with a “declaration of value” proving that it meets the academic standards of being issued an Italian degree.
- Employer Authorization. In order to work remotely in Italy, your existing employer must agree to the arrangement of receiving a salary in Italy through an Employer of Record (EOR). In other words, your salary and payroll will be handled through an Italian based entity, i.e. EOR, that is prequalified to meet the requirements of the EU Blue Card.
- Payroll through an EOR. Your salary will no longer come through your foreign-employer, rather it will be routed through a fully licensed employer of record based in Italy. There are a handful of new Italy-based EOR companies, and even major ones like DEEL are rushing to provide solutions. However, some of these are not fully compliant for purposes of immigration and it is advised to seek more local professional support for this important requirement.
These solutions are especially important if you are looking to work remotely in Italy for a UK or US company. For more information on finding a qualified EOR in Italy please contact me directly.
2. Working remotely in Italy as a freelancer, self-employed, or independent contractor.
There are several important considerations for evaluating your eligibility:
- Limited Liability Company. You must have a limited company (i.e. LLC or Ltd.) that is operational in your home country. You must be able to prove earnings and revenue going into this company.
- Minimum Revenue Requirements. Before applying you must demonstrate that you have the ability to support yourself through your revenue and earnings going into this limited company. While there is no official number, you should be able to demonstrate a minimum of 12,000 EUROS in revenue, as well as finances that are in a company bank account.
- Nationality. You and your company must be a member of the World Trade Organization.
Benefits of Working Remotely in Italy
From both a lifestyle and professional lens, there are many attractive reasons for wanting to live and work remotely in Italy. In fact, since the remote work and digital nomad visa is not yet active, it is a privilege if you can find the right solution.
- Residence Permits for Family Members. With both of the options outlined above – the EU Blue Card or Representative Office Visa – you will be able to bring your family members and claim “cohesion” upon arrival in Italy. In other words, your dependents (i.e. spouse and children under 21) will also receive their residence permits (permesso di soggiorno).
- Italy Tax Incentives. There are several new tax-regimes aimed at expatriates seeking to establish a fiscal residency in Italy. These forfeiture regimes can provide up to 50-90% tax-exemption benefits on income. At present, it is likely that Italy will have some of the most attractive tax incentives within the European Union for foreign nationals. This is especially given the recent news that Portugal, another hotspot destination in Europe, has recently ended the favorable Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) Tax Regime.
- Bridge Visas. The visa solutions discussed in this article, can be seen as a temporary solution to a longer stay (if so desired), with typically a minimum of 1-year granted. So at least you can get a taste of Italy and know that there are longer term solutions available if you enjoy la dolce vita.
David Cantor is a US/Italian dual-national. As a licensed immigration lawyer he has supported individuals, families and businesses around the world to accomplish their immigration goals. For more information on living and working remotely in Italy reach out to David today 👇