The Irish government has announced that Ukraine nationals will no longer require a visa in order to enter the Irish State. Ordinarily Ukrainian nationals travelling to Ireland are required to obtain pre-entry clearance by way of an Irish visa in order to enter the State however in light of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, the requirement to obtain an Irish visa has now been waived. This is extremely welcome news for the large Ukrainian community residing in Ireland seeking to bring their family members to safety here. Undoubtably, it would have been prudent for the government to waive this stringent visa requirement sooner in circumstances where exiting the Ukraine is now extremely difficult however we would strongly hope that many Ukrainian citizens will now be able to avail of the visa waiver and find a route to leave the Ukraine and make their way to Ireland safely.
Our immigration teams in Dublin and Cork have been contacted by numerous Irish resident Ukrainian nationals and Irish citizens (previously citizens of the Ukraine/dual citizens) seeking to bring their family members to Ireland in recent days for example parents and siblings, and we will continue to assist and support our clients in any way possible to help bring their family members to Ireland safely.
Following arrival to Ireland many persons will have questions regarding their long-term immigration options to remain in the Irish State such as applications for International Protection, Stamp 0 permission to remain and any other long term residency applications.
Additional Questions on this Sensitive Matter
Sinnott Solicitors, based in Dublin and Cork, have lead the way by bringing about changes to Irish immigration law and practices introduced by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration
Connect with Carol to discuss possible immigration pathways to Ireland.