Among the many problems you face when moving to Italy, the permesso di soggiorno may likely be considered the main one. This article will provide insight on how to avoid issues with the permesso di soggiorno.
What does Permesso di Soggiorno mean?
The permesso di soggiorno is a Residence Permit (that might be compared with the American Green Card), issued by the Immigration office within the Polizia di Stato (called Questura), which allows you to remain in the country for over 90 days. It has to be requested within 8 days of the foreigner’s arrival in the country.
To obtain this document it is necessary to request a resident visa, issued by the Italian Consulate or other diplomatic organ (The Embassy, for instance) in your permanent place of residence (i.e. USA). This visa may be grounded for several different purposes: adoption, sports, studies, religious, working (as an employee or autonomous), medical treatment and family members.
Once in Italy, the foreigner doesn’t have to renew their visa, but only the permesso di soggiorno.
When to request the residence permit?
When the foreigner arrives in Italy, they have 8 days to request the permesso di soggirno at the Imigration Organ (Questura or Sportello Amico at the Post Office), carrying the necessary documents.
The permesso di soggiorno is issued under the same purpose and period as issued in your visa:
- Up until 6 months for seasonal work (lavoro stagionale) or until 9 months for seasonal work in some sectors;
- Up until one year for attending a course or professional education (which must be documented);
- Up until two years for autonomous work, for working as an employee;
- Undetermined period for family members of a Italian citizen (ricongiuugimento familiare).
If the permesso di soggiorno is requested in the Post Office, when the documents are presented, the foreigner will receive a receipt (ricevuta) of the insurance (assicurata), which will be the proof of your regular situation in Italy, and must be handed to the Questura when the foreigner is called for presenting the original documentation.
Usually the post office immediately prints a paper with the date and time of your appointment. Otherwise, the Questura itself will send the letter to the informed address or a text message to your phone with the appointment.
receipt for issuing of the permesso di soggiorno
Insurance receipt
Usefull sites:
Learn more about the necessary immigration steps to Italy and thereafter
Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Law Firm facilitates bureaucratic practices and dispute resolution across boarders. This group of professionals operate in a number of countries including Italy and Brazil.
Connect with Nicole to set up a consultation and discuss immigrating to Italy.