Where to Find Jobs in United Kingdom
Below, you will find the top resources to find jobs in the United Kingdom as a foreigner. A quick tip: Consider searching for jobs that specify visa sponsorship details, as this will provide you with a list of employment opportunities that offer sponsorship for a work visa. Give one or all websites a go to see what your search efforts come up with. After all, you never know until you try.
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Jobs.ac.uk is a widely known United Kingdom employment search website that helps job seekers with everything from finding a job and career advice to direct referrals to recruiters and Ph.D. programs. You can refine your search by job title, academic discipline, field of expertise, and location within a specified geographic area or number of miles.
There are also options to use additional filters to narrow down your job search even further by sector, whether professional, managerial, or support services. Each drop-down section contains a list to choose from.
Job seekers can also benefit from the website’s “Featured Employers” tool that allows you to browse particular employer and organization profiles that have recently or consistently advertised employment opportunities on the platform and are actively searching to fill roles. You can narrow your search of the list by region and select profiles of interest for further information. There is also a “Studentships” section where you can search for master’s and Ph.D. programs with employment opportunities.
To make your search even easier, use the spotlight section for new or actively recruiting job postings, a featured jobs section, and a featured industry section. Sign up for job notifications that fit your specific search criteria by email through your profile or by subscribing with your email address to save time on the website. Either way, make sure to create an account to save your searches and apply directly to job listings through the website.
Another great place to start your online job search is on the United Kingdom's Employment Website. The government-operated job website enables you to search for employment opportunities based on specific criteria and designated industry categories for full-time or part-time jobs in England, Scotland, and Wales. There are also tools for career skills training, communication support for a job interview if you have a disability or health condition (also known as Access to Work), and even help with adjusting from receiving benefits and getting back into the workforce.
This website also has great resources for becoming familiar with employment law once you start working in the country. The website empowers job seekers with information on the rules and regulations for employment policies, including everything from holidays, time off, sick leave, maternity and paternity leave, specific legal requirements pertaining to workplace and personal pensions, and your rights at work and trade unions. You can also learn more about the National Minimum Wage rates, tax information, and your pay rights as an employee.